The Education You Want
The Attention You Deserve
Elevating Future Teachers
Raising teaching capabilities of our future teachers
Prosperous Academic Activities
Delivering the education that exceeds the expectations of our students

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R.N.Tagore P.T.T.I

This is an era of globalization and explosion of knowledge and information. Therefore we cannot overlook the necessity of intaking training in various spheres of educational field. The west part of Bankura is regarded as one of the remotest areas of the district in respect of education, communication and other areana. However the population of this part is not so thin, but in contract, development is not worh-noticing. Though the number of schools and colleges is quite satisfactory now. But the number of Teachers’ Training Colleges is not allied with present demand. We have a few B.Ed. and D.EI.Ed. Colleges and consequently and seats are limited and inadequate. Numerous students obtain Bachelor and Master degrees and they are forced to fallen to get themselves trained. For the middle class and lower middle class students the cost of our course fees, remaining in hostel outside the district is inaffordable. As per NCTE act untrainied candidates are inelligible for teaching. As a result, the poor untrained students deprived. Keeping in View, The burning necessity of training, affiliation of new treacher training colleges cannot be over-looked and underestimated.

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